In September 2021, the FDA announced Arthritis drug Xeljanz can cause increased risk of potentially life threatening conditions such as heart attack, blood clots and heart failure.

Recent studies and clinical trials have proven that users of the drug had a higher rate of serious heart-related problems, pulmonary embolism and fatalities. Both the 5mg and 10mg doses of Xeljanz are reported to caused a higher risk of these injuries:

Ischemic Arrest
Cardiac Arrest
Acute Coronary Syndrome
Heart Failure
Artial Fibrillation
Pulmonary Embolism
Deep Vein Thrombrosis
Blood Clots
Artial Thrombrosis
And More...
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What happens next


If you or a family member have taken Xeljanz and had heart or lung issues and/or issues with blood clots, you could be entitled to financial compensation.

Fill out the questionaire above to see if you qualify for a claim.

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Key Facts to Know

Drug manufacturer Pfizer, is facing lawsuits for popular rheumatoid arthritis drug Xeljanz for failure to warn users about serious side effects. The FDA is now requiring that new safety warnings be added to the drug.

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